Posts Tagged ‘DD210’

My Pathway

Posted: August 26, 2014 in OU Life
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Crossroads-pictureSince enrolling with the OU, I have been pondering over what path I will take with regards to my module choices over the next four years. When it boils down to it, I have rather a limited choice actually. Each level has a compulsory module, so that’s half of the degree taken care of before I even start.

Level 1, only had 2 choices: Introduction to Social Sciences or Introduction to Childhood Studies and Child Psychology. As previously discussed, I chose the former.

Level 2 has more choices, four in fact. Right off the bat, I’ll chuck the Sports Psychology module in the bin. I’m not a sporty type of person so I doubt I would engage with it. The Counselling module I’m not really all that interested in either. This is mostly because I don’t have any intention of following a career path that would involve counselling in any way shape or form. Psychology of Childhood and Youth is my fallback option for Level 2 as out of the 3 childhood modules available across the degree, this one sounds the most appealing to me. My first choice (more on this further in this post) will be the new for October 2015, Living Psychology: From Every Day to the Extraordinary. The blurb for this module really caught my eye:

Using real-world situations, this module introduces you to psychological issues, theories, approaches and methods as they arise from, and can be applied to, the everyday and not-so-everyday lives of people. The real-world situations you will explore vary from the truly ‘everyday’ (e.g. interacting with the world around us), through to less ‘everyday’ examples (e.g. developments in artificial intelligence), and on to more ‘extraordinary’ aspects of life (e.g. the consequences of extreme life experiences). In exploring these issues, you’ll cover a broad range of psychological concepts, finding out how psychological knowledge is both created and used in the real world.

I think there is enough in this module to really sink my teeth into it and engage with the subject matter in a meaningful way.

Level 3 again I can immediately dismiss the sports module. The childhood psychology module doesn’t sounds as interesting as the Level 2 module. That leaves two: Forensic Psychology or a new for Oct 2016 Social Psychology (unfortunately there is no description for this module yet). The Forensic degree, as it stands, doesn’t fit in with my timetable of 4 years as it doesn’t start until 2017, and to take this module, as much as I would like to, would either mean doing the degree over 5 years, or doing Investigating Psychology 2 & 3 at the same time. As one builds on the other I don’t think that’ such a good idea, even if it were permissible by the OU. So, Social Psychology it is.

Of course, this may all change as we go through, but I think it is good to have a plan to start with. The OU may even poo-poo my plan if certain modules have to be done in a specific order. I have emailed them with my outline to see if I can take the modules I want, when I want to take them. I’ll have a reply back in about 10 working days.

Now, is there any chance the next month can fly by so I can get started with my first module?